


Takes the number of presences np and returns a Vector of AbstractFeatureClasss that are used my maxent as default.

If np is less than ten, then only LinearFeature and CategoricalFeature are used. If it is at least 10, then QuadraticFeature is additionally used. If it is at least 15, then HingeFeature is additionally used. If it is at least 80, then ProductFeature is additionally used.

    p_a, X; 
    features, regularization_multiplier, regularization_function,
    addsamplestobackground, weight_factor, 

Fit a model using the maxnet algorithm.


  • p_a: A BitVector where presences are true and background samples are false
  • X: A Tables.jl-compatible table of predictors. Categorical predictors should be CategoricalVectors


  • features: Either a Vector of AbstractFeatureClass to be used in the model, or a String where "l" = linear and categorical, "q" = quadratic, "p" = product, "t" = threshold, "h" = hinge (e.g. "lqh"); or By default, the features are based on the number of presences are used. See default_features
  • regularization_multiplier: A constant to adjust regularization, where a higher regularization_multiplier results in a higher penalization for features
  • regularization_function: A function to compute a regularization for each feature. A default regularization_function is built in.
  • addsamplestobackground: A boolean, where true adds the background samples to the predictors. Defaults to true.
  • n_knots: the number of knots used for Threshold and Hinge features. Defaults to 50. Ignored if there are neither Threshold nor Hinge features
  • weight_factor: A Float64 value to adjust the weight of the background samples. Defaults to 100.0.
  • kw...: Further arguments to be passed to GLMNet.glmnet


  • model: A model of type MaxnetModel


using Maxnet
p_a, env = Maxnet.bradypus();
bradypus_model = maxnet(p_a, env; features = "lq")

Fit Maxnet model
Features classes: Maxnet.AbstractFeatureClass[LinearFeature(), CategoricalFeature(), QuadraticFeature()]
Entropy: 6.114650341746531
Model complexity: 21
Variables selected: [:frs6190_ann, :h_dem, :pre6190_l1, :pre6190_l10, :pre6190_l4, :pre6190_l7, :tmn6190_ann, :vap6190_ann, :ecoreg, :cld6190_ann, :dtr6190_ann, :tmx6190_ann]
predict(m, X; link, clamp)

Use a maxnet model to predict on new data.


  • m: a MaxnetModel as returned by maxnet
  • X: a Tables.jl-compatible table of predictors. All columns that were used to fit m should be present in X


  • link: the link function used. Defaults to CloglogLink(), which is the default on the Maxent Java appliation since version 4.3. Alternatively, LogitLink() was the Maxent default on earlier versions. To get exponential output, which can be interpreted as predicted abundance, use LogLink() IdentityLink() returns the exponent without any transformation.
  • clamp: If true, values in x will be clamped to the range the model was trained on. Defaults to false.


A Vector with the resulting predictions.


using Maxnet
p_a, env = Maxnet.bradypus();
bradypus_model = maxnet(p_a, env; features = "lq")
prediction = predict(bradypus_model, env)



A model type for constructing a Maxnet, based on Maxnet.jl, and implementing the MLJ model interface.

From MLJ, the type can be imported using

MaxnetBinaryClassifier = @load MaxnetBinaryClassifier pkg=Maxnet

Do model = MaxnetBinaryClassifier() to construct an instance with default hyper-parameters. Provide keyword arguments to override hyper-parameter defaults, as in MaxnetBinaryClassifier(features=...).

The keywords link, and clamp are passed to predict, while all other keywords are passed to maxnet. See the documentation of these functions for the meaning of these parameters and their defaults.


using MLJBase
p_a, env = Maxnet.bradypus()

mach = machine(MaxnetBinaryClassifier(features = "lqp"), env, categorical(p_a), scitype_check_level = 0)
fit!(mach, verbosity = 0)
yhat = MLJBase.predict(mach, env)