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Basic usage

Fit a model

Use the maxnet function to generate a model. maxnet takes a BitVector as its first arguments, where true encodes presences points and false background points. As its second argument, it takes any Tables.jl-compatible data structure with predictor variables. Categorical variables are treated differently than numeric variables and must be a CategoricalVector. Keyword arguments are used to tweak model settings.

predict takes a model generated by maxnet and any Tables.jl-compatible data structure.

Maxnet.jl comes with a sample dataset of presences and background points for the sloth species Bradypus variegatus (see Philips et al., 2006 for details).

The following code fits a maxnet model for Bradypus variegatus with default settings and generates the predicted suitability at each point.

using Maxnet
p_a, env = Maxnet.bradypus()
bradypus_model = maxnet(p_a, env)
prediction = predict(bradypus_model, env)

There are numerous settings that can be tweaked to change the model fit. These are documentated in the documentation for the maxnet and predict functions.

Model settings

The two most important settings to change when running Maxnet is the feature classes selected and the regularization factor.

By default, the feature classes selected depends on the number of presence points, see Maxnet.default_features. To set them manually, specify the features keyword using either a Vector of AbstractFeatureClass, or a string, where l represents LinearFeature and CategoricalFeature, q represents QuadraticFeature, p represents ProductFeature, t represents ThresholdFeature and h represents HingeFeature.

For example:

model1 = maxnet(p_a, env; features = [LinearFeature(), CategoricalFeature(), QuadraticFeature()])
model2 = maxnet(p_a, env; features = "lqph")

The regularization multiplier controls how much the algorithms penalizes complex models. A higher regularization multiplier will result in a simpler model with fewer features.

model3 = maxnet(p_a, env; features = "lqph", regularization_multiplier = 10.0)

The number of features selected is shown when a model is printed in the REPL and can be accessed using complexity. Here complexity(model2) gives 48 and complexity(model3) gives 13.